Gifted and Talented Program Information
Gifted/Talented Resources
Big Ideas for Little Scholars
The site is a collection of recommended learning resources designed for use with K-8 gifted and advanced students, organized by grade level and discipline (math and logic, literacy, etc.). There are many links to free resources and the blog includes MANY ready-to-use FREE lessons and activities specifically designed for more advanced students.
Davidson Institute for Talent Development
This is your gateway to resources for and about gifted students. This database features easy search capabilities for articles, resources and state policy pages to help students, parents and educators pinpoint gifted information.
ESC 11 GT Google Folder
GT Resources from Region 11 ESC
Frames Maker
Free trial of Frames-Maker software. Make and save unlimited Frames with modifiable Depth & Complexity and Content Imperative Icons, and text-adding feature. Access other teacher's Frames in our national Frames database. Create classes and assignments for students. Trial will extend until August 1.
Gifted Guru Parent
English Class: This is a free live-streamed secondary English class (7th-12th grades) that explores the short story genre. The class will live stream at 12pm CDT from March 16-March 27, and recordings will be available afterwards.
Greatbooks 6-8
Free sample lesson plans (both fiction and nonfiction) for you to try while students are safe at home. Download and share with your students!
Greatbooks 9-12
Free sample lesson plans (both fiction and nonfiction) for you to try while students are safe at home. Download and share with your students!
Greatbooks K-5
Free sample lesson plans (both fiction and nonfiction) for you to try while students are safe at home. Download and share with your students!
Hoagies' Gifted Education Page
Hoagies' Gifted Education Page consists of over 1150 pages of information on gifted children and adults, including 650 pages of Hoagies' Page collection, plus 500 pages of Eric Clearinghouse for Disabilities and Gifted Education (ERIC).
HouseStories Inc
Code for free download: TAGT_C19 (One per order, can be used twice, valid until April 19, 2020)
Modular 9-week curriculum for Grades 6-9, focus areas: Geography, Social Studies, Science, Engineering, Climate Change, Interdisciplinary Studies, Project Based/Student Lead Learning.
With the UrbanEngineers curriculum, students embark on a global journey, creating knowledge to build an adaptive and resilient city for a particular geographic location. Learn to apply systems thinking models to develop ideas and concepts about how lifestyles, infrastructures and technologies need to be adapted for different geographies, available resources and climates.
Kentucky Association for Gifted Education
In an effort to support parents, educators, and G/T students during school disruptions due to COVID-19, the KAGE Board has been collecting G/T-related educational resources to share with its members and followers.
Mensa for Kids
Living room turned into a makeshift classroom? We’re here to help with hand-selected lessons and activities for cooped-up kids.
Mrs. French's Gifted & Talented Page
GT Specialist for 14 years shares resources.
National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)
Together staff and leaders support and develop policies and practices that encourage and respond to the diverse expressions of gifts and talents in children and youth from all cultures, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and socioeconomic groups. NAGC supports and engages in research and development, staff development, advocacy, communication, and collaboration with other organizations and agencies who strive to improve the quality of education for all students.
National Inventors Hall of Fame
We invite parents and educators to check out our blog filled with many easy, fun, and engaging STEM activities. The National Inventors Hall of Fame is proud to support our educational partners across Texas and beyond during this difficult time. We believe that learning happens everywhere. These STEM activities will provide children the opportunity to explore, experience and collaborate to continue building lifelong thinking and problem solving skills.
NuMinds Enrichment
Every hour, 9-5, we are Facebook Live broadcasting a NuMinds "variety show," complete with Inspirational Messages, roleplay, storytelling, and interactive STEAM lessons for K-2, 3-5, and in Spanish. Tune in; tell us what you like (or don't!), so we can keep real, inspired learning alive during this crisis.
Live Facebook broadcasts; videos are saved on the NuMinds Enrichment facebook feed.
Prufock Press
Prufrock Press’s free webinars bring experts in the field of gifted education to you. Receive valuable advice about parenting and educating gifted kids, explore new products and concepts, and learn valuable skills. Simply visit our webinars archive page, and view any of out past webinars. The Prufrock Press website also includes free preview samples of every book.
Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented (TAGT)
In an effort to support you during school disruptions due to COVID-19, TAGT has collected G/T-related educational resources to share with our members and followers.
Texas Education Agency: Gifted & Talented Education
Welcome to the gifted/talented (G/T) education webpage. The state's goal for G/T students is to ensure that those students who participate in G/T services demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication. G/T students develop innovative products and sophisticated performances that reflect individuality and creativity and are targeted to an audience outside the classroom.
Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP)
The Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP) comprises a set of performance standards, curricula, and assessments for differentiating instruction and deepening academic learning. TPSP enhances gifted/talented (G/T) programs from kindergarten through high school.
You CAN Do the Rubik's Cube
Learn to solve the Rubik's Cube with our online resources! Students can use the online solution guides to learn to solve, and educators/parents can guide lessons with our Learn to Solve curriculum (all available at no charge). When schools are back in session, educators can use the code TAGT20 to receive prepaid return shipping when requesting to borrow a class set of Rubik's Cubes (up to 36 cubes only--no charge to borrow the education sets). No log in required.